Learning Radiology xray montage

Segond Fracture

    • Avulsion of the proximal, lateral tibia best seen on the anteroposterior view or tunnel view of the knee
    • In about 75% of cases, there is an associated injury of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL); in children, the incidence of ACL injury may be less
    • Results from internal rotation and varus stress
    • On MRI, in addition to ACL disruption, injuries include tears of the lateral or medial menisci and avulsions of the long head of the biceps femoris and/or the fibular collateral ligament

    Segund Fracture

    Segond Fracture. There is a vertical avulsion fracture of the lateral aspect of the
    proximal tibia (black arrow).

    The Segond fracture of the proximal tibia: a small avulsion that reflects major ligamentous damage. Goldman AB1, Pavlov H, Rubenstein D. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1988 Dec;151(6):1163-7.

    Segond Fractures: Not Necessarily Pathognomonic of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury in the Pediatric Population. Shalinder S. Arneja, MD, FRCSC, Matthew J. Furey, MD, Christine M. Alvarez, MD,, and Christopher W. Reilly, MD. Sports Health. 2010 Sep; 2(5): 437–439.