<LearningRadiology.com Museum of Modern Imaging


Soon after the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895, sensational reports of the new
mysterious rays appeared around the world. Within a year, x-rays were being used widely for almost everything imaginable.

For virility problems, a 15-day course of Radium suppositoriesFor virility problems, a 15-day course of Radium suppositories X-ray eye glasses guaranteed to cost a dollarX-ray eye glasses guaranteed to cost a dollar X-rays solve the secret of lifeX-rays solve the secret of life X-rays find the female with the most perfect backX-rays find the female with the most perfect back Ah, nothing like water mixed with a little radium to get you goingAh, nothing like water mixed with a little radium to get you going The public lines up for Thomas Edison's public demonstration of x-raysThe public lines up for Thomas Edison's public demonstration of x-rays Radioactive cigarette holder combines the worst of two worldsRadioactive cigarette holder combines the worst of two worlds Teeth need whitening? Try this radioactive toothpaste and the problem should disappearTeeth need whitening? Try this radioactive toothpaste and the problem should disappear Radium as a beauty aidRadium as a beauty aid Radium Bug SpraysRadium Bug Sprays Secret of Sex Found in RadiumSecret of Sex Found in Radium X-ray viewer in a box of Rice KrispiesX-ray viewer in a box of Rice Krispies The forerunner of teleradiologyThe forerunner of teleradiology Come in and have your hand x-rayedCome in and have your hand x-rayed Radium Roulette-more of a chance than they knew at the timeRadium Roulette-more of a chance than they knew at the time Until the 1950s, many shoe stores had fluoroscopic machines in their shops to show you (or your parents) how well the shoe fit on your footUntil the 1950s, many shoe stores had fluoroscopic machines in their shops to show you (or your parents) how well the shoe fit on your footLightbox Alternative by VisualLightBox.com v3.0

The Museum of Modern Imaging™ is a virtual museum produced by LearningRadiology.com ©

All photos retain their original copyrights. Much of the material comes directly from the Radiology Centennial, Inc project marking the100th
anniversary of the discovery of x-rays in 1995.
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