Appendicolith with Appendicitis
General considerations
- Also known as a fecolith, fecalith, coprolith
- Calcified deposit within the appendix
- Present in approximately 30% of children with acute appendicitis
- May be an incidental finding on an abdominal radiograph done for other purposes
- But, when associated with abdominal pain, there is a 90% probability of acute appendicitis
- Also 50% higher risk of appendiceal perforation
- Of some controversy, the finding of an appendicolith may be sufficient evidence to perform a prophylactic appendectomy in asymptomatic patients given the higher rate of perforation at the time of acute appendicitis
- One of several causes of obstruction of the appendiceal lumen leading to acute appendicitis which also include
- Lymphoid hyperplasia
- Foreign bodies
- Stricture
- Tumor
- Crohn’s disease
- For more on clinical and imaging findings of acute appendicitis, click here

Imaging Findings
- The role of imaging is to confirm clinically suspected appendicitis, rule out another diagnosis or a complication of the disease
- Conventional radiography (abnormalities seen in <50%)
- Plain-film findings become more distinctive after perforation, while clinical findings subside
- Calcified, frequently laminated, appendicolith in RLQ (in 7-15%)
- It may lie higher in a retrocecal appendix
- Appendicolith in acute appendicitis means a high probability for perforation (50%), especially in children
- Appendicolith is usually 1 cm in size of larger
- Other signs
- Localized dilatation of cecum from focal paralysis (cecal ileus)
- Small bowel obstruction pattern
- Soft-tissue mass and paucity or absence of intestinal gas in RLQ (more often with perforation and abscess)
- Extraluminal gas bubbles (usually only with perforation and abscess)
- Large pneumoperitoneum is rare because etiology of appendicitis involves obstruction of a very small lumen containing little air
- Focal increase in thickness of lateral abdominal wall
- Loss of properitoneal fat line on right side
- CT
- The imaging study of choice (>95% accurate) is CT, or US
- Signs of acute appendicitis include
- Distended lumen
- Circumferentially thickened and enhancing wall
- Appendicolith – homogeneous or laminated calcification in up to 25% of cases
- Peri-appendicular inflammation-linear streaky densities in peri-appendicular fat
- Peri-cecal soft-tissue mass
- Abscess
- Poorly encapsulated
- Single or multiple fluid collection(s) with air
- Extraluminal contrast material
- Focal cecal wall thickening
- "Arrowhead" sign = funnel of contrast medium in cecum centering about occluded orifice of appendix

Appendicolith with Appendicitis. Upper: Frontal close-up of right lower quadrant show a laminated
stone in the region of the appendix consistent with a calcification that has formed in a viscous (white arrow).
Lower: Coronal reconstruction with close-up of right lower quadrant shows a dilated appendix
with a thickened wall and surrounding infiltration of the fate (yellow arrow) containing an appendicolith (red arrow).
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